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How to Sell Internationally on Amazon

This is a guest post from Jimi Patel. Jimi is a co-founder and CEO at eStore Factory, an Amazon SPN-certified agency that serves as a one-stop solution for all your Amazon business needs. Having helped countless brands increase sales and grow their footprint on Amazon, Jimi provides the most practical and effective solutions for your business including how to sell internationally on Amazon.

Amazon’s international marketplaces enable independent sellers to list and sell their products to millions of buyers worldwide. This is a lucrative opportunity to expand your market reach significantly by reaching not only those in the vicinity of your physical businesses but even beyond them.

The idea of selling globally can feel intimidating though, especially for smaller or new businesses. However, while there are a few more stages involved in managing sales across borders than in local sales, Amazon has made the process more efficient. This blog will take you through all the necessary procedures to begin selling on Amazon’s international marketplaces so you know exactly how to grow a thriving  company abroad.

Amazon’s international marketplaces

Amazon has markets in the following countries:

  • U.S.
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Brazil
  • Australia
  • India
  • The Netherlands
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Turkey
  • Sweden
  • Poland
  • Belgium
  • Egypt

As an Amazon vendor, you can list your products on the following sites.





Middle East


The Americas


Starting your sales journey in international marketplaces

Amazon offers a comprehensive Global Selling Guide for both new and seasoned sellers wanting to grow their companies internationally. This guide covers the prerequisites for opening an account on all of the major Amazon markets worldwide, providing in-depth details about:

  • The specific marketplaces available for third-party sellers to list and sell their products
  • Important considerations for products and language
  • Proven tactics for breaking into new markets
  • Important information on taxes and regulations
  • Instructions for creating an international Amazon seller account
  • The procedures used to process payments
  • How to list products

It also contains strategic recommendations for market expansion like:

  • Your current market should influence where you should expand to and when.
  • If your company is already well established in the U.S., it’s advised to stay focused on that market.
  • To access a larger market, vendors who are now in the EU should think about breaking into the U.S.
  • Expanding into the EU or U.S. markets presents substantial growth prospects for companies that operate in other countries, as they have strong consumer bases and thriving marketplaces, which can boost sales.

How Amazon international selling works

With Amazon’s effective fulfillment network, customers can find practically anything they need and have it shipped right to their home. Although Amazon sells some of their own products, such as the Kindle and Echo, independent sellers list the majority of the offerings featured on the platform. These suppliers can be divided into two groups: first-party sellers and third-party sellers.

First-party sellers

First-party sellers are vendors who sell goods in bulk directly to the marketplace. Amazon then offers these products to customers. Larger companies that have the capacity to supply items in bulk usually adopt this setup.

Third-party sellers

Conversely, third-party sellers operate independently, using Amazon merely as a marketplace to reach a global audience. They have two main selling methods:

  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Sellers ship products are shipped to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Following a customer’s purchase, Amazon takes care of all the order logistics, including selecting, packing, and shipping the item. Due to its ease of use and effectiveness, FBA is very popular since it enables merchants to take advantage of Amazon’s advanced logistics network.
  • Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM): Under this arrangement, sellers list their products on Amazon but handle the shipment and storage themselves; the seller is in charge of selecting, packaging, and shipping a product to the buyer after it’s sold. Although it takes more time and money, this strategy gives merchants greater control over their shipping and inventory procedures.

Your step-by-step guide on how to sell internationally on Amazon

Step 1: Product and market selection

First, decide which products you want to sell. Analyze the level of competition and consumer demand in different categories, like Electronics or Home & Kitchen, and determine which markets are best suited to your products. Avoid highly competitive niches and make sure the items you choose meet the particular needs of each market. For example, it would be inappropriate to offer alcohol-related products in Kuwait or other nations where alcohol consumption is restricted. It’s critical to conduct in-depth research on customer preferences and local laws in the markets you plan to target.

Step 2: Register and list your products

After selecting your goods and target markets, sign up to sell on Amazon’s international marketplaces. It may be necessary for you to create distinct accounts for locations such as North America and Europe. To translate and list your products in multiple marketplaces, use tools such as Amazon’s Build International Listings (BIL). For additional security, make sure your listings adhere to local laws, and consider registering your brand with Amazon’s Brand Registry.

When expanding internationally, adapt your product listings to the local language and culture of each marketplace. Use professional Amazon listing translation services to ensure your listings are accurate and culturally appropriate. Additionally, pay attention to cultural nuances like local holidays, customs, and preferences, as these can influence how your product is perceived.

Step 3: Choose a fulfillment method

Select either FBM or FBM for managing your orders. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so your choice will come down to your unique business circumstances.


By using FBA, sellers ship their products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers and let the marketplace handle customer service, shipping, packaging, and storage. This method is particularly effective for ensuring on-time delivery in global markets. However, there are certain considerations to take into account when shipping internationally:

  • Fees: Depending on the size and weight of your products, Amazon may incur storage and fulfillment costs. Additionally, if your items don’t sell right away, there can be additional expenses for long-term storage.
  • Customs and duties: You need to consider customs fees and duties when shipping overseas. Amazon might take care of this, but you need to know how these expenses impact your profits and price.
  • Supply chain delays: Because of Amazon’s extensive and well-run logistics network, using FBA can assist reduce some supply chain delays. Delivery timeframes, however, are still susceptible to local or worldwide disruptions.


Through FBM, you’re in charge of product transportation, packaging, and storage. While this option gives you more control over the delivery process, it has particular challenges for international sales:

  • Control and flexibility: FBM gives you the freedom to select your shipping partners and methods, which is useful if you have specific needs or have a preference for certain logistical partners.
  • Higher costs: Shipping overseas is more expensive because you have to manage customs and duties on your own, and shipping charges are higher. You also have to handle customer service and refunds, which may be more challenging internationally.
  • Supply chain delays: You’re immediately exposed to potential delays in the supply chain, such as in the clearance of customs or interruptions in international shipment. You can, however, reduce these risks by contracting with reliable logistical partners and creating an emergency plan.

Other considerations when choosing a fulfillment strategy include:

  • Company size and resources: Despite the fees, smaller businesses with less resources may find FBA more convenient because it streamlines customer service and logistics.
  • Product type: FBM is a more affordable choice because FBA fees may be higher for bulky or heavy merchandise.
  • Target market: If you’re aiming to reach a number of foreign countries, FBA’s vast fulfillment network will assist in guaranteeing quicker delivery and higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Step 4: Manage your front- and back-end responsibilities

Learn your import and export duties. This includes carefully filling out customs declarations, allocating the correct Harmonized System (HS) codes, and being aware of the import duties, GST, and VAT for the nations you’re targeting. In addition, be mindful of factors such as adhering to country-specific labeling and packaging regulations, handling forbidden or restricted goods, and using trade agreements to cut expenses.

In terms of customer service, Amazon manages it for sellers who participate in FBA. If you handle fulfillment in-house, though, you must provide top-notch customer service by providing free return shipping or a local return address. Keep a close eye on your customer satisfaction levels by checking reviews and feedback, and follow Amazon’s guidelines to avoid service disruptions.

If all of these sound too overwhelming, consider contracting with a logistics company for assistance.

The benefits of Amazon international selling

When you expand your Amazon business overseas, you unlock powerful advantages like:

  • A broader customer base: You extend your reach to a wider audience by selling abroad on Amazon, giving you access to a global consumer base.
  • Streamlined operations with FBA: FBA reduces the hassle of handling foreign transactions. Managing international orders is simpler through the program since it also removes the burden of customer support and delivery logistics.
  • More sales opportunities: Having access to foreign markets allows you to capitalize on regional celebrations and unique occasions, which can increase sales during demand peaks.
  • Increased return on investment: As a result of reaching a wider audience, your branding and marketing initiatives can produce greater profits.

Wrapping up — How to sell internationally on Amazon

Growing your company to sell on Amazon’s overseas marketplaces is a fantastic way to boost sales and reach a larger pool of prospective buyers. You can break into this international eCommerce segment by setting up your seller account, making use of Amazon’s tools, and choosing products based on market demand and compliance. Careful planning and continuous management are essential to the success of an international venture to guarantee your items satisfy the demands and preferences of each target market. Done right, selling globally on Amazon can open new business opportunities and increase profitability for your company.

Ready to take your Amazon business global? eStore Factory can serve as your trusted Amazon management agency and handle the challenges of global sales on your behalf. Our team of Amazon experts specializes in managing compliance, expanding your presence into international markets, and optimizing listings. Seize your chance to broaden your entrepreneurial horizons today.