Oversized Goods Logistics Services

eCommerce prep, storage, and fulfillment for home furnishings, electronics, appliances, machinery, and other oversized and bulky goods.
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Reliable prep and fulfillment for oversized goods

Lightning fast with meticulous standards

Optimized set up based on your unique needs

Custom workflows and SLAs per client

Transparent tracking and monitoring

Open communication with clear guidelines

How it works


We check your items and scan each piece in. If additional prep or labeling is needed, we handle this according to your exact brand specifications.


We prep and process each item to your exact brand specifications, following guidelines for packaging, sticker and labeling, and more.


Your items are organized and stored in precise locations that allow us to pull them as orders come in.


We ship your items, buyer-ready and FBA-compliant to an Amazon warehouse, or directly to your buyers as orders come in.

Reliable oversized prep and fulfillment

We provide fast and accurate prep and fulfillment services for bulky, oversized, and oddly-shaped goods. We love "ugly" prep and cannot wait to tackle your challenges.

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Your logistic partner for apparel prep and fulfillment

DTC fulfillment and FBA prep for clothing and accessories is complicated. Efficient execution requires attention to detail and meticulous inventory management. Make MyFBAPrep your logistics partner for seamless operations.
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Optimized setup

We work with multiple categories of oversized goods for FBA prep and DTC fulfillment. We’ve learned the ideal ways to prep, store, and ship large and bulky goods. We install custom racks to optimize these processes even further for ultimate efficiency.


Custom workflows per client

We build a unique workflow for every client depending on brand preferences. We’ll work together to determine how to handle any discrepancies, exactly how and where to label or seal goods, any unique inserts or handling instructions, and more.


Oversized prep at scale

Amazon must know what’s in every single box when it comes to FBA. With high SKU counts and low volume, this can get tricky to do at scale. MyFBAPrep has developed a system that is agnostic to SKU count and volume, so whether you sell 100 SKUs or 1,000, we continue scanning and shipping smoothly.

Fast replenishment

Don’t let space constraints limit your revenue. Replenish your inventory as quickly as your items sell to ensure no stockouts and continuous sales.

Transparent tracking

MyFBAPrep has streamlined a process that communicates discrepancies, whether inventory is over or under, damaged, or not as expected. Clarify any discrepancies quickly with our system of reporting and cataloging every item. We can work to integrate directly with the systems you're already using.

Open communication

Next to accurate and quick prep turnaround times, communication is vital in logistics. The MyFBAPrep team keeps open lines of communication with all of our clients, ensuring anything that comes up we can act on quickly.

How Noble House Furniture Used MyFBAPrep To Prep and Ship for 40 Sales Channels

Noble House Furniture, a leader in the home furnishings space, needed to find a way to efficiently and affordably ship everything from oddly shaped packages to large and oversized goods for sales channels such as Target, Amazon, Walmart Marketplace and more.
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We had a huge space deficit—you could very quickly accommodate and take our business. You guys made the process very quick, the contract was easy, you used our system so we could get up and running very quickly...We didn’t have to worry about the scaling of the business—you were able to take care of that for us, which was a relief.

Josh Dannett Noble House COO