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MyFBAPrep Blog

A computer screen with an open email on displayed on the screen
How To Use Email Marketing for Ecommerce To Drive Conversions Across Other Channels

In eCommerce, having a healthy mix of marketing channels helps your brand stand out from the competition and remain at the forefront of current and prospective customers’ minds. One of the most impactful channels eCommerce businesses can leverage is also one of the most traditional: email. Email subscribers are already invested in your business because...

By Rachel Andrea Go on July 09, 2024

Fulfillment and Logistics
a box and 2 pints of ice cream
Cold Chain Logistics and Fulfillment: The Ins and Outs of Dtc Prep for Cold Storage Items

From the rise of online groceries to food subscription boxes and increasing vegetable imports from Mexico, cold chain logistics is on the rise. That trend affects thousands of eCommerce sellers, who are seeing an increasing demand for the convenience of ordering food online. However, it introduces new challenges to logistics as well in the form...

By Tom Wicky on July 08, 2024

How to Use AI for eCommerce to Grow Your Business

The eCommerce marketplace is a bustling hub for online retailers, teeming with fierce competition. As millions of sellers battle for customer attention, the days of simply listing products and waiting for sales have disappeared. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology has become more important to stand out, and in that regard, AI for eCommerce has gained particular popularity....

By Brandy Cross on July 05, 2024

a man and a woman building a website
Importance of eCommerce Personalization in The Buyer Journey

Personalized shopping experiences have become essential for eCommerce businesses to boost customer engagement, increase sales, and strengthen consumer retention. eCommerce personalization uses data and insights to tailor a customer’s shopping journey to their specific needs, preferences, and behavior. By leveraging first-party data and other sources of information, eCommerce businesses can gain a better understanding of...

By Rachel Andrea Go on July 04, 2024

MyFBAPrep Interviews
Outsourcing and Process Optimization: A Chat With Yoni Kozminski of Escala

In this video, Rachel Go chats with Yoni Kozminski, CEO & co-founder of Escala and MultiplyMii. Yoni shares his advice for hiring internationally, outsourcing various roles, and optimizing your eCommerce business processes to set yourself up for future and continuing success. Yoni’s background Rachel Andrea Go: Thank you, Yoni, for joining me. Yoni is the...

By Rachel Andrea Go on July 03, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to X (formerly Twitter) for eCommerce

Pulling in over 220 million daily users and $3.4 billion in revenue — much of which came from ad sales — X (formerly Twitter) is a social media titan. But when it comes to driving eCommerce sales, it’s still a relatively untapped opportunity. This is fantastic news if you’re scaling an online store, especially as...

By Brandy Cross on July 02, 2024

How to Sell Internationally on Amazon

This is a guest post from Jimi Patel. Jimi is a co-founder and CEO at eStore Factory, an Amazon SPN-certified agency that serves as a one-stop solution for all your Amazon business needs. Having helped countless brands increase sales and grow their footprint on Amazon, Jimi provides the most practical and effective solutions for your...

By Guest on July 01, 2024

The Seller’s Guide to Amazon Keyword Research

Google is no longer the top dog of product searches. Today, 61% of U.S. consumers begin their searches on Amazon, and more than half (56%) say they would pick Amazon if they were only allowed to buy products from a single store. That’s a lot of money being thrown Amazon’s way. A large part of...

By Brandy Cross on June 28, 2024

Case Studies
How Obagi Started Selling on Amazon With the Help of MyFBAPrep

Obagi is an award-winning global skincare brand, known for its medical-grade clinically-proven products that deliver transformative, visible results for all skin concerns, skin types, and skin tones. Obagi uses MyFBAPrep to prep and send their products to Amazon. We spoke with Isabel Bolanos, business strategist of Waldencast, the parent company of Obagi to learn what...

By Rachel Andrea Go on June 26, 2024

Direct to Consumer
a clipboard with a pre-launch checklist on it
New Product Launch Checklist: How to Collect Contacts And Sales Before You Go Live

An eCommerce launch can make or break your online business, depending on how much you’ve invested into it. You have to set goals and develop a strategic roadmap to facilitate a successful release. Research has found that 90% of eCommerce start-ups fail within the first 120 days of operation. The top three reasons cited for...

By Rachel Andrea Go on June 24, 2024

Insider Tips for Product Sourcing for Amazon

This is a guest post from Zignify. With millions of active sellers on Amazon, standing out can be tough. It takes smart product sourcing for Amazon, solid planning, and nonstop tweaking to thrive on the marketplace. Sourcing winning products on Amazon can make the difference between a successful business and one that struggles to gain...

By Guest on June 21, 2024

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